
The use of visual systems to assist students develop their communication skills is a high priority across Modbury Special School. Visual systems are used across all curriculum areas. Dedicated staff are assigned to assist teachers and families develop visual communication aids for students.
Proloquo2Go’s unique features make it the premier Augmentative and Alternative Communication solution for children, teenagers and adults who need symbol support. Proloquo2Go has been used successfully with individuals with the following diagnoses: autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, developmental disabilities, apraxia, stroke, traumatic brain injury and others.

A long-time classic, Boardmaker lets you create valuable print materials, like communication boards, with Picture Communication Symbols™ (PCS) and other pictures and graphics.
Proloquo4Text’s unique features make it the premier Augmentative and Alternative Communication solution for literate children, teenagers and adults, including people with autism, cerebral palsy, developmental disabilities, apraxia, ALS/MND, laryngectomy, stroke, or traumatic brain injury.